The unanimous Declaration of the Hams of Insignificant Value,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for radio club to
dissolve the political bands which have bound so many others, and to assume
among the powers of the airwaves, the separate and equal station to which the
Laws of Propagation and of the Solar Cycle, entitle them, a decent respect to the
Laws of Physics.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all stations are created equal, that
they are endowed by the home brewer with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Good Propagation, Low Noise Floor and the Abundance of Good
DX. That to secure these rights, Radio clubs are instituted among stations,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the operator, That whenever any
Form of radio club becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
operators to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new radio club, laying its
foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to
them shall seem most likely to effect their operational well-being. Prudence,
indeed, will dictate that radio cubs long established should not be changed for
light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that
operators are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right
themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a
long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object
demonstrates a design to reduce them under absolute Tyranny, it is their right, it
is their duty, to throw off such radio clubs, and to provide new Guards for their
future happiness.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these stations; and
such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of

We, therefore, the Hams of Insignificant Value, in General Committee,
Assembled, appealing to the amateur radio community for the rectitude of our
intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these
stations, solemnly publish and declare, That these club members are, and of
Right ought to be Free and Independent Stations; that they are Absolved from
all Allegiance to old thought, and that all political connection between them and
traditional radio clubs, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and
Independent Stations, they have full Power to establish communications,
conduct field day, contract Alliances, establish cooperation, and to do all other
Acts and Things which Independent operators may of right do.